
Antadaya, Helmiansyah dan Yassirli

Registered Public Accountants
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Tax Services

Tax Compliance

With the increasing focus on governance and regulations, tax compliance has never been so important. Compliance failure represents not only a financial risk, financial penalties and a possible increase in the tax charge, but also a serious business risk, as it can damage company's reputations with the authorities and public.

Tax Advice

A major part of our work is devoted to minimizing our client's tax while remaining within the legal boundaries. Our client's affairs are regularly reviewed to ensure that they are organized as tax effectively as possible. To ensure that our advice is current and relevant, our professional team carries out extensive and ongoing professional development, reviews new legislation, case law and tax rulings.

Tax Planning

We are aware that there is increasing focus in the marketplace and by tax authorities on the policy issues surrounding tax planning and specifically on how corporations structure their affairs to mitigate their tax liabilities. Therefore, our tax planning advice must be given in the knowledge of the actual facts and circumstances of the client concerned, must always involve discussion of the wider consideration of all risks involved, including how our client's actions might be viewed by others. In addition.